Thursday 21 April 2011

Easter already

I can not believe how quickly time is going at the moment and it has been super busy in my house that's for sure!
My partner's younger brother is with us at the moment which is fun. Its been good getting to know him.

I have been trying to go to the gym a lot more lately which has been happening because someone else is here to watch Little Miss Samantha : ) so I must admit I have been enjoying that but I am exhausted it is a bit of work having an extra person to take care of that's for sure.

We have had alot of fun though, going to aquarium and shopping and down the coast it's been lots of fun.

Today is Good Friday already so I have my fish already for me to cook tonight, so I am looking forward to that YUMMY!


Saturday 2 April 2011

It's been a while

I haven't written anything for a while, mainly because I have been unsure what to write about. Lots has been happening though.

My friends and I went to the Usher concert it was amazing!!! We had wonderful seats and it was just a really good night out.

The biggest news I have at the moment is that Tinashe's youngest brother is coming to visit us for 2 1/2 weeks which is very exciting. I have never meet him and he has not meet Samantha yet, I am a little nervous though which I guess is to be expected when you want to make a good impression but still be yourself and not put on some fake personality. I am sure it will be great.

These two wonderful things have kept me going the last few weeks. I have a little bit of an emotional roller coaster and it's something I have not appreciated to say the least. I guess sometimes the stress of having a toddler and keeping a house(which I must say is NOT my forte) and trying to balance relationships and finance's has just all built up and i have dropped the balls so to say. I have a break down moment where I just wanted to cry but I thought of the great and exciting things that are happening and that helped me a lot. I am still a little stressed out but as much as before I have just thought about things in a new way and I am feeling a little better.

My friends are all planning 21st at the moment and of course mine is coming up very soon, in fact my friends whose birthday's are after mine are all ready organised and have sent out invites and all that jazz where as I am still in deciding mode of what I am going to do... Obviously nothing to crazy (can NOT afford it, that's for sure) but maybe just something at our house and possibly go out with my friends after that... Just an option.
Well I am sure I will work something out.