Saturday 14 May 2011

28 day Challenge

That's right, I have set myself a weight loss challenge. I have 28 days to follow a strict diet and exercise regime to loose as much weight as I can I would like to loose 5-10kgs in 28 days, which I know seems like a lot but it needs to be done.

I have a plan that is written out and as long as I follow it to the letter I see no reason why I should not achieve my goal.

So I need to exercises twice a day 4 to 5 times a week, which sounds like a lot but now that Samantha is going to be starting daycare I don't see why I can not do this! I am very determined, I have a dress that I really really want to fit into and I know that I will if I drop these kg!

So I have a plan, I have a goal and I have already started. Today was the first day of my 28 day challenge. I went to the gym in the morning and I have eaten so well today, so all I have to do is my afternoon workout(which will have to be an at home one)

So wish me luck because here I go!

I am pumped!!!!!


Everything is falling into place

So I recently received my acceptance letter to begin a Real Estate course. I am very excited and can not wait till I get started, now all I have to do is come up with the money to do so.

It has been perfect timing though because we recently signed up Samantha to start Daycare so I really couldn't have planned it any better, I love it when things just fall into place like that. It certainly made me smile.

I am really excited because it just means that we are moving forward, not just for me personally but for our family because in the end that's what it is all about.

I must say I am probably more excited about Samantha starting daycare, I think she needs some interaction with other kids and to be honest she has been driving me a little crazy lately, as all Toddlers do I am sure hahaha! I really do think she will love it, it will hard though to leave her I guess I will see how we both go in a couple of days! Exciting and Scary all at the same time but I imagine this will not be the last time I feel like that when it comes to Samantha.

So I will have time to do my course and clean the house and go to the gym, I need to really get myself into gear when it comes to the gym. I was going really well and since it has started getting colder waking up at 5am to go to the gym just simply is NOT happening at the moment but I have a goal so if I am serious I need to step up my game dramaticly!

Lots to happening, lots to do and I am really excited!!!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Peace & Quiet... Oh and all the noise in between

It has been very busy in my little house lately. As I said in my last post we had my boyfriends youngest brother was here from England for 3 weeks, we tried to show him as much of Victorian attractions as we could. Well as far as our money could take us hahaha, even though it was great to have him here I was exhausted after he had gone and it was good to have my home back.

Samantha is now 19 months and she is acting like a typical toddler, happy one minute and screaming the next haha hmmm so that has been LOTS OF FUN! I am quite sure it is just the beginning but she is going really well, she is learning so much so fast. I have one very clever little girl, it is amazing to watch her learn and change all the time.

I had an amazing ME DAY yesterday which was so nice! It started with going to get a facial and foot massage(which was a Christmas present, so it only took me 5 months to use haha) it was so relaxing. After that 1 hour was over I went and had a lovely lunch at my Auntie's and cousins Cafe, which was yummy!!!! To top off my ME day I went to the movies. It was fantastic, I was relaxed and had a wonderful day. Samantha and Daddy had a wonderful Daddy daughter time so it was a win win : )

I am trying at the moment to plan my 21st party, it is not very far away! I am keeping it nice and simple with some family, friends, food, drinks and going out later : ) I am looking forward to it, no drama just simple and fun : )

I have been going to the gym lots lately I am really trying to loose some weight, keep eating healthy and smaller portions. So far I am really happy with how I am doing but I still I bit to go before I get to my goal so I will keep working on it and I will get there. I am just so happy with how I am going so far.

So I think that's all the major things at the moment.

